Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh Shit

I puked at my boss's apartment last night. She thinks it was someone else.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

First night "out"

Let me start off by saying I love the title of this post because literally every male that I have met in Berlin thus far is gay. Literally every. single. one. How the fuck does that even happen. I'm not even sure if it's a good thing. Initially I thought my mentor's friend was just really nice... no he just wants to sleep with me (exact words of my coworker). Eff. How does that even happen.

So if it seems like I'm rambling, I probably am. It's 2PM and I'm still drunk I think. I was supposed to see a flat in 7 minutes... I can't make it.

Last night I was out until 8AM. Eight. in. the. Morning. And what was I doing... listening to techno. When I left, the party was STILL bumping... STILL!

The party was in this sort of trailer park. We got off the UBahn and walked forever until we found this little gate. We went in and got our IDs checked by a guy in a trailer. The interior of the park had strobe lights and lasers everywhere (or something). There was a ping pong table and all of the seats were old car or airplane seats. It also featured this dance floor which had no windows. So when we finally left the sun was risen and it was 8 in the morning. Holy shit I just listened and danced to techno till 8 in the morning. Where am I...

Oh that's right, I'm in Berlin

Friday, May 20, 2011


Whaddup foos,

Here is my newest blog! Hopefully I can be more faithful to this blog than last summer's... and woah last summer was a doozie. Ok ok ok, so here's the deal. I'm super sick right now. I am at a coworkers apartment and I have literally filled a bedside table with dirty tissues. Needless to say I have a lot of cleaning to do before I leave. OH and while I was raising her blinds to dry my clothes, I broke something (plastic) so I have a lot to of repairing/cleaning to do... but no bother. Well, I guess I will start from the beginning of my trip, as it is ALWAYS a very good place to start...

So I left nasty Milwaukee and then nasty Chicago 6 days ago. I took two tylenol PM (totally going to take two more tonight yes yes yes yes) before taking off in Chicago and the rest of the flight I was in a sort of state of delirium. I was kind of awake, kind of not. I remember there being cannelloni which i carefully sculpted using my fork to make more vegan. So after a sort of drug trip of a flight I arrived in London! Ugh, British people. Don't get me wrong I love my Scots but sometimes yikes, girl needs a haircut. If you are British and reading this, then go look in the mirror. If your hair is a nasty color and contains crunchy gel ONLY on the back of your head then do us all a favor and get it cut off. Thank you.

London! I'm back... but not for long! Only like an hour. It was my last little experience with English... Bye, now in Germany.

I arrived! I got off the plane and in yet another state of delirium found my way to my hostel. Immediately memories of Scotland came rushing back to my head (8 days in a hostel with nasty smelly old men and rain). What have I done, I thought!

So I walk around Berlin a bit. Very cool place, very grungy but also the capital of the largest economy in Europe (I am as confused as you are). I'm walking around, you know, sort of filled with feelings of despair thinking (oh ma gawd Imma have to spend 8 more days in this nasty hostel, I have no friends and no prospects, what the fuck am I doing here, I don't even know the language this time around... fuck) and then I come upon the German Parliament building... WOAH. It hit me, Bitch (I said to myself) you are in Berlin. You can be all whiney and frightened but you are better than that. SUCK THE FUCK UP and get drunk.

Next stop, the Museum! I had to go meet my boss as I was going to work tomorrow. Okay, so before I got to Berlin I googled my PhD student's name and saw a picture of some person who I thought was her and immediately thought, dungeons and dragons... With that in mind, I am sitting on the stoop of the museum waiting for my sorceress PhD student to walk up and then, in the far distance, I see this sexy german woman walking up towards me. At first I think... no, this can't be... "Hi Austin, my name is France." WOO HOO! She is da bomb like tick tick! We meet, we greet, we head into the museum.

OMaGoodness, working in a museum is so cool. So we walk in, first thing I see is the second archaeopteryx specimen ever found...OMGizzle I work in the same building as the archaeopteryx... BIOLOGY WIN!

Next we head up stairs and into the collection rooms. Literally room upon room of preserved specimens, coolest thing ever. There are fossils, horse skulls, everything. Awesome. Finally we left the museum and walked around Berlin for a bit. It's such a cool city. But alas, I was super tired so I went back to my hostel and slept (or at least tried to while the guy in the bed below me ate sandwich after sandwich with the lights on...).

Day 2 I worked got acclimated to the lab blah blah. It was nice. I moved in with France my PhD student. She is so nice and has such an awesome flat. Again I was super tired so after work I just went to bed.

The rest of the week was sort of a blur... last night I got a little drunk with France and her friends on their balcony. It was one of those magical experiences like, wow, look where I am, in Berlin on this beautiful balcony getting drunk.

It was very nice... but now I am super sick. I was going to go out tonight with some coworkers but I need to save my energy for tomorrow.

More updates to come!
